Explore Our Mentor Training Program

Module 1: Experience
Participate in Pathways
to Mindfulness with a Western Mindfulness Mentor of your choice.

Module 2: Learn
Complete the 8-week online mentor training program in our state of the art training portal.

Module 4: Excel
Complete a study guide
to broaden your understanding, and
excel in your career.

Module 1: Experience
Participate in Pathways to Mindfulness with a Western Mindfulness Mentor of your choice.
For those who have not yet worked one-on-one with a Western Mindfulness Mentor and the Pathways to Mindfulness CHASM program, it will take approximately 6 months to complete this module of the training.
Module 2: Learn
Complete the 8-week online mentor training program in our state of the art training portal.
This module runs for 8 consecutive weeks. Below is an outline of the curriculum.

Understanding Western Mindfulness
About The Centre
Mentoring Technology
The Difference Between Mentoring, Coaching and Counselling
The Qualities of a Mentor
The Mentor Code of Conduct
The Origins and Philosophy
The Western Mindfulness Mantra

Delivering the Pathways to Mindfulness Program
PTM Part 1: Exploring Awareness
The PTM Workbook Appendices
PTM Part 2: C
PTM Part 2: H
PTM Part 2: A
PTM Part 2: S
PTM Part 2: M
Ending the Program
Short Course & Adolescent Course
Administration, Marketing 101, & Where to Now
Client Management Records
Ordering Client Workbooks
Exploring the Dropbox
Understanding Who PTM Clients Are
Exploring Your Network
Explaining the Details of PTM
Your Unique Mentoring Vision
Exploring Modules 3 and 4
Trainee & Mentor Support Programs

When it comes to delivering information and support, we follow six steps that will be repeated throughout the training program. The six steps are outlined in the table below.
Modules 3 & 4: Practice and Excel
Mentor Case Studies through Pathways to Mindfulness under supervision, and complete a study guide to broaden your understanding and excel in your career.
The last two modules can be worked on at the same time. Both modules are to be completed within 12 months of finishing Module 2 (the online training component).

Module 3
Case Studies: Take 5 case studies through Part 1 - Exploring Awareness, and at least one of these case studies through Part 2 - C.H.A.S.M. It is essential that you partake in monthly supervision while working with case studies.
Supervision: Each month you will supply a report to your supervisor displaying the mentoring challenges and successes you encountered during the month. Your supervisor will use these sessions to provide guidance and to assess your ability to competently deliver PTM to clients.
Module 4
Mentor Study Guide: This guide has been developed to help you expand your mentoring skills when delivering PTM to clients, and to help you develop a more detailed understanding of the context and concepts proposed in PTM. Completing the guide will also help you build a commitment to Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
You will upload examples from your Mentor Study Guide for assessment. Your study notes will display your level of understanding regarding the context of various parts of the program and the philosophy the work is based on.
Your commitment as a Western Mindfulness Mentor does not start and finish with this training.

Continuing Professional Development
Upholding the integrity of Western Mindfulness is one of the most important things that we do. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) helps mentors to stay up-to-date with the latest developments regarding the PTM process. It is about having a commitment and stewardship toward the work that we do, as well as maintaining, improving and broadening knowledge and expertise after the official training has been completed.
CPD is an expectation within the broader mentoring profession. It is an ongoing process which continues over the course of your career, adapting to changes in practice environments, professional domains, new information and consumer needs. Carefully tailored professional development can promote competency and currency in practice, which in turn builds confidence in the clients who seek the services of a Western Mindfulness Mentor.
We aim to deliver an inspirational and supportive environment for our mentors to thrive in during and after their official training. Our CPD program will help you demonstrate ongoing excellence as a Western Mindfulness Mentor.
The Licensing Agreement
Pathways to Mindfulness is intellectual property developed and owned by Russell Sturgess. Our Mentor Training Program provides participants with the understanding of how to use that intellectual property when working with clients. This knowledge is not public domain.
On completion of the E-Learning module (module 2), you will receive a Licensing Agreement to read and sign before you can commence working with your case studies.
This agreement explains that you have permission to use the intellectual property (Pathways to Mindfulness), but that Russell maintains the rights to the property and the way in which it is used and disseminated out in the world.
To uphold the integrity of the program from mentor to mentor, part of this licensing agreement stipulates an annual commitment to Continuing Professional Development (CPD) as mentioned above. You can download a copy of the current Licensing Agreement here.

2024 Training Fees
Modules 2 - 4 $5000
Modules 1 - 4 from $8000
Western Mindfulness Mentors are at liberty to charge what ever rate they desire for their services, meaning the price to participate in module 1 may vary depending on the mentor you choose to work with. The price of $3000 included here for module 1 is the minimum RRP mentors are advised to charge for PTM. You can find a list of mentors on the Find a Mentor page. Reach out to the mentor of your choice to enquire about their fees. All prices listed here are in AUD.
Package Inclusions
A list of what you have access to when training with The Centre for Western Mindfulness

Included In The Price
Train online from anywhere in the world
State-of-the-art training platform
Lifetime access to the mentor training materials*
A hard copy of the Mentor Training Workbook
A hard copy of the Mentor Study Guide
A hard copy of each client workbook
Rights to use the following intellectual properties:
PTM Part 1 - Exploring Awareness​
PTM Part 2 - CHASM
PTM Short Course
PTM Adolescent Course
Access to a large, continually growing library of mentoring tools and resources​
Access to ongoing training and support
Fellowship with a community of individuals who share a common vision of achieving global inner-peace (stillness) and healing, one person at a time.​